Faktor faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Opini Going Concern

In a standard audit it is suggested that the audit report should state whether the financial statements have been prepared according to financial accounting standard in Indonesia, and to check the degree of conformity in the audit so, the auditor should be able to obtain and consider the management plans for survival during a reasonable period of time. This research aimed to analyze the effects of the debt default, the financial difficulties, the reputation of the auditor, the previous year audit opinion, the size of the company, the shift of the auditor, and the size of audit committee on the going concern opinion.

The research samples comprised 222 company’s financial difficulties, and 201 companies with the comprehensive losses observed for three year period, from 2012 through 2014. The samples were chosen using the purposive sampling technique. The research data were the secondary data ini the from of the reports of the auditor and the financial reports. The data were then analyzed using the logistic regression analysis.

The research results revealed that the debt default, the financial difficulties, the previous year audit opinion, and the size of the company had an effect on the administration of the going concern, while the reputation of the auditor, the shift of the auditor, and the size of the audit committee had no effect on the administration of the going concern opinion.



Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Pengarang Muhammad Faisal Arif - Personal Name (Pengarang)
Edisi Print
No. Panggil
Judul Seri
GMD Manuscript
Bahasa English
Penerbit STIEM Bongaya Makassar
Tahun Terbit 2018
Tempat Terbit Makassar
Deskripsi Fisik
Info Detil Spesifik

  Tags :


Muhammad Faisal Arif. (2018).Faktor faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Opini Going Concern(Print).Makassar:STIEM Bongaya Makassar

Muhammad Faisal Arif.Faktor faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Opini Going Concern(Print).Makassar:STIEM Bongaya Makassar,2018.Manuscript

Muhammad Faisal Arif.Faktor faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Opini Going Concern(Print).Makassar:STIEM Bongaya Makassar,2018.Manuscript

Muhammad Faisal Arif.Faktor faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Opini Going Concern(Print).Makassar:STIEM Bongaya Makassar,2018.Manuscript


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