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Agency Theory, Accounting Information, and Corporate Financial Management: A New Framework for Developing Financial Strategies for Banking Companies

Agency Theory, Accounting Information, and Corporate Financial Management: A New Framework for Developing Financial Strategies for Banking Companies

Abstract: The objective of this study is to develop a corporate financial optimization model, based on the theoretical foundations of, and for integrating, the crucial issues in accounting and finance such as agency and information asymmetry and the use of accounting information to mitigate the problems, which can give appropriate financial strategies relevant for the contemporary business world. There are a good number of financial models in the existing literature. However, as important issues relevant to financial management for corporations are emerging, it is essential to develop a financial optimization model that can embed and address these emerging issues and can prescribe a set of financial management strategies, which are relevant in the current situations of corporations shaped by these emerging issues. This study formulates an applied integrated financial optimization problem to investigate the extent to which the financial model designs optimal financial strategies that can mitigate agency problems and provide a basis for sound accounting practices, leading to the optimal company value in real life situations. Generally, this study concludes that the integrated financial model can provide economic significance when formulating financial strategies for mitigating agency problems and maximizing company value. It also provides new insights into sound accounting practices should be implemented in an integrated, large-scale real-life financial strategy. This paper contributes to corporate financial modeling by developing a model based on the multidisciplinary literature, including contemporary accounting, agency theory, and management science, by providing a new corporate finance model, which is appropriate for modeling and addressing some crucial contemporary issues in corporate finance in the current world.
Keywords: Accounting Information, Agency Theory, Agency Problems, Optimization Model, Corporate Finance, Financial Management.



Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Pengarang CHOIRUNNISA ARIFA - Personal Name (Pengarang)
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil
Judul Seri
GMD Manuscript
Bahasa English
Tahun Terbit 2017
Tempat Terbit Makassar
Deskripsi Fisik referensi
Info Detil Spesifik

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CHOIRUNNISA ARIFA. (2017).Agency Theory, Accounting Information, and Corporate Financial Management: A New Framework for Developing Financial Strategies for Banking Companies(Publish).Makassar:GADAH MADA INTERNASIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS

CHOIRUNNISA ARIFA.Agency Theory, Accounting Information, and Corporate Financial Management: A New Framework for Developing Financial Strategies for Banking Companies(Publish).Makassar:GADAH MADA INTERNASIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS,2017.Manuscript

CHOIRUNNISA ARIFA.Agency Theory, Accounting Information, and Corporate Financial Management: A New Framework for Developing Financial Strategies for Banking Companies(Publish).Makassar:GADAH MADA INTERNASIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS,2017.Manuscript

CHOIRUNNISA ARIFA.Agency Theory, Accounting Information, and Corporate Financial Management: A New Framework for Developing Financial Strategies for Banking Companies(Publish).Makassar:GADAH MADA INTERNASIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS,2017.Manuscript


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